If you are a small hobby beekeeper, large apiary operation or anywhere in-between, we have the equipment needed to make your life a lot easier. Extracting capabilities range from our 2 frame to our 60 frame extractor, multiple uncapping stations, all needed equipment for straining and bottling and a crew ready to handle all the work.
Our process: Call and schedule a drop off day and time. At drop off we will store your suppers in our hot room to warm the honey for ease of extracting. Then we uncap, spin, strain/clean and pour all your honey in containers, no smaller than 1 gallon, ready for you to pick up along with your frames and supers as fast as possible. You provide your own containers and you will need to bring your supers to us. We are excited to help extract your honey but PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR FRAMES WITH BEES!
We do not take money for this service. As payment for our extracting services we keep 10% of honey spun and all the wax cappings. Give us a call today to set up your drop off day and time. Feel free to call with any questions.
(We also have a heating and bottling tank, on site, that can be rented for your use if you want to bottle your honey in smaller jars. Call us for more details, cost and with any other